Monday, 28 March 2011

Miss Lovely and Omnihim: what happens when it goes wrong [Omniher]

Probably the most intimate and personal thing I have ever written and here it is, my second ever blog post and out there for the world to see.  I write not to blame and/or shame, but as a catharsis and an exploratory journey through thought processes.  I wanted to explain what happened to myself as much as anyone else, and as a result of my over analysing mind this has gotten really long...  But there's a happy ending, promise!  Please be warned that the following contains a liberal amount of swearing and sexually explicit content.  Although I guess for most of you that's just an incentive to read on!  - Omniher xx

Around 1 am last Saturday night, I finally drifted into a state of semi-sleep.  My body was on fire; I could feel the welts from the carpet beater rising on my back (I often describe the pain as being like a ring of angry bull-ants on steroids all biting at the same time, over and over), the short, criss-crossed lines of a wooden spoon handle across the fronts of my legs, the sprinkling of dots all up my left side and torso from where the horsehair and suede floggers had whipped around after dancing across my back, and the thick and brutal marks of a studded leather belt over my buttocks, all co-mingling to ensure no sleeping position was without incredible discomfort.

Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of urgent fucking.

And I was furious.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Where do you draw the line? Casual Sex vs. Relationships

So this evening we were just lying around, enjoying having a night free from social obligations.  I was supposed to have cleaned the house in anticipation of Miss Lovely's visit tomorrow as I had the day off today, but as is often the case I had spent the day doing, well, not much really!

A part of me was feeling a little guilty - we have to be out the door early tomorrow due to other commitments so I'm going to be cursing myself when the alarm goes off at 5am on a Saturday, ordering me to get up and clean *ugh*.  But there was another part that was like, hang on.  We've been seeing Miss Lovely fairly regularly for what, nearly a year now?  Isn't it time for her to see our slothful habits?  I quickly pushed the idea to the back of my mind and half-arsedly considered picking up a mop after dinner.

Then,  while continuing on my meandering journey of procrastination over the interwebs, I came across this on the Polyamory Australia website.  Pissing myself laughing, I showed it to Omnihim.  He chuckled.

"So where are we?"

Anticipation. [Omnihim]

Around lunchtime this past Wednesday, I sent the following message to Miss Lovely (our most regular & favourite playmate):

So, [Omniher] and I are having an absolutely foul week. And I'm guessing that work is still pretty awful for you. But I've got a plan - Saturday afternoon, we have a few drinks, fuck each other blind then collapse onto the bed in a big sweaty pile of happy. [Omniher] got me two new sets of nipple clamps and a roll of bondage tape. I'm itching to see what I can do with them + the two of you... You free?

and then I waited...