Monday, 25 April 2011

Conflict of interest: to tell or not to tell? [Omniher]

I am currently living in a happy little bubble.  Mr O, Miss Lovely and myself have spent several weekends together just hanging out, having lots of sex (obviously!), eating out, staying in, cooking, drinking, and so on.  We've been able to talk about it on Twitter, with each other, and we even took her to a friend's birthday party this past weekend where we knew that we could all be affectionate with each other without raising too many eyebrows.

But I know it can't last.  The only reason we have been able to spend so much time together over the past couple of weeks is that her housemate (who is also and more importantly a family member) has been away on holiday.  Hence no questions on where she's been or why she's spending so much time with us.  Hell, I'm sure there's already been a few questions after Miss L has stayed over at our place for the umpteenth Saturday night in a row.

I know Mr O intends to write a blog post about this and many other things shortly and so don't want to go into that specifically.  Its up to her how she handles it really anyway (with as much support from us as she wants/needs).  What it has got me thinking about is my family.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

A Torturous Day in the Life of Miss O [Omniher]

Yesterday started out like any other: kick Mr O out of bed as the alarm is blaring and he's begging for "Just 5 more minutes of cuddles...", walk the dog, do the other little morning things that you do...  Except we knew it was different.  After what seemed like an eternity (read: three days) we were going to be seeing Miss Lovely again.  And not just for the night, but she would be in our home, in our bed for the next six days.  The three of us were all a little giddy at the prospect.

Lying in bed looking for an excuse not to get up I sent her a text.  I told her about how I planned to play orgasms for chores but was worried I'd wear myself out before the evening's festivities.  Now I swear she has been spending too much time around Mr O and  his sneaky evil ways are wearing off on her, becuase this is the response I got:

I think you should play the game, but just bring yourself to the brink of an orgasm each time...  Then come and meet me for drinks :)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

How We Have Become Completely Spoiled [Omniher]

I've tried posting about the couple we met the weekend I ended up in hospital several times now, and just can't seem to finish.  Perhaps because they were just ... so ...   Well maybe this exchange will explain better than I could:

[me] Can't believe how sex-crazed I am at the moment, being in hospital for a week has made me wild!
[him] I know.  Well I guess it's understandable as you haven't come since last Friday...
[me] Did I?  Did we fuck on Friday?  I can't even remember the last time...
[him] doesn't know whether to laugh or not What were we doing last Friday?
[me] Um..?  Oh yeah!  Right!
[him] Well, they obviously made a big impression on you...

And with that, this post took a completely different direction to what I had intended.  I had been meaning to give a blow-by-blow account of the tryst and preceding flirtations, but this has ended up being a reflection on how we have become spoiled.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Hospital Tales to make you Laugh, Cry and Rant! Omniher

Well hello all, its good to be back!  Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and wishes over the last week.

As the Twitterati will know, this blog has been neglected due to my recent hospital stay, but I am home now and have so much to share with you from the past couple of weeks!  Our date with the odd couple the day before I was admitted, progressions in the Miss Lovely saga...  But I thought I'd start with a random collection of hospital anecdotes, some funny and some seriously rant-worthy.  Enjoy!