Saturday, 10 September 2011

In Which Miss O Proves Herself to be a Filthy Little Slut [Omniher]

A few weeks ago, Mr O took me out to dinner.  Now this in and of itself is not unusual, however this time he requested that I wear something short and thigh highs.

Well as you all should know by now, I'm nothing if not obliging!  The outfit was completed with the removal of underwear and the addition of pink Luna beads (I don't trust myself with the blue ones without underwear on).  I tried desperately the whole ride to the restaurant to get a reaction out of the taxi driver by flashing him shamelessly, but nothing.  In a last ditch effort I practically hiked my dress up over my hips as I was getting out - he didn't even look!

Exhibitionist that I am, I was determined to have someone appreciate what I had on offer before the end of the evening.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

The Birth, Life and Death of our First Poly Relationship [Omniher]

When I first began my foray into the world of non-monogamy I never thought that I would fall in love, so nobody was more surprised than me when it happened.  And fuck me sideways, it actually worked!  There's no point rehashing the hows, whys and wherefores of the whole business - I've talked enough about it elsewhere on the blog (here, here and here for starters).  So I fell in love.  As did Mr O.  Luckily with the same person! 

We hated the idea of this incredible person being in any way 'secondary' to our relationship.  The whole primary/secondary/tertiary poly thing may work for some people, but not for us.  If we were going to do this, we were going to do it as equals.  Equals.  What does that mean?  What did it mean in practice?

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Hello World - We're Back! [Omniher]

We started this blog as a place to let everything out.  Combined with our Twitter, it was supposed to be a place where were could talk anonymously about anything and everything (hopefully more good than bad!); especially those things which we didn't necessarily feel comfortable discussing with our friends/family/coworkers etc. 

It worked fantastically to begin with!  We started conversing with awesome people.  We started meeting those awesome people.  And suddenly that's where it got hard.  We weren't anonymous anymore.  Our disclaimer didn't seem to be enough anymore.  What if we said something to upset our new-found friends?  How would they feel about having their sexual exploits discussed publicly?  How can we really, truly freely write about people that we talk to daily?  How can we be honest?

It was especially hard after things turned sour with someone who was very important to us and a huge part of our lives.  How could we maintain our former honesty in all things when we couldn't be honest about what had happened?  And how could we be honest about what happened without causing more hurt?  And so, this blog fell by the wayside.  In many respects we withdrew from Twitter.  It just wasn't the same.

Well, this is a post to let you all know that we intend to return to our former goals of honesty in all things.  Our goal of bringing out into the open issues that most people are too scared/ashamed to talk about.  To talk about our triumphs as well as our failures.  If you know us and don't want to read about yourself, refer to the disclaimer and don't read on.  We don't care, we don't do this for the hits.  We never reference anyone in such a way as could publicly identify them so you don't need to worry about us 'outing' you.  If you feel we've been unfair, tell us in the comments - we won't delete them unless they are abusive or they give personal information about us or anyone else.  If you think you could be identified by anything we say drop us a line and we'll remove it.  If I didn't mention enough times how much I loved your cock/cunt...  Stop being such a narcissist.

This is our place.  And we're back.

- Miss O xx

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Schoolgirl (Photos)

Photos taken in the bedroom at Chez Omnivores, Wednesday 29 June 2011.
Model: Miss O.
Photographer: Mr. O.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Challenge: What Happened Next... [Omniher]

Standing in a public toilet cubicle, naked from the waist and cursing myself for not having so much as a pair of nail scissors or a waiter's friend in my ridiculously oversized handbag that I could use to destroy my clothing.  Not how I typically start my working week, but my reality yesterday.  Because Mr O had demanded that I remove my underwear and cut a hole in the crotch of my tights.  Why?  I wasn't privy to that information yet, and knew better than to ask.  He'd tell me when HE was ready.

It was a game, just like all those that we used to play when we first met.  Wear these smartballs to work.  Don't wear underwear today.  Flash that waiter.  Tease yourself, but don't come till I call you - then I want to hear it happen.  But this was the first in a long time.  And I couldn't let him down.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Challenge (Omnihim)

It has been far too long since I've given Miss O a proper challenge. Between the ups and downs we've had since breaking up with Miss L, the (welcome, but sometimes consuming) distractions of other lovers/potential lovers, etc., I've gotten out of the habit of giving her the random tasks that featured so heavily in the early stages of our relationship.

Until this morning. Inspired by Miss O's enthusiastic reaction to the latest post on the (brilliant, highly recommended) Sex Experiment, I decided to make her day a bit more interesting. My first text instructed her to get rid of her underwear for the day, and cut a hole in the crotch of her tights. After she replied to let me know that she'd done it, I sent the following:

"On your lunch break, you need to find a place to get yourself off for me where you could potentially get caught. Can be as public or private as you'd like, but it can't be a place where you're not potentially exposed to people (no public toilet cubicles, etc). And if you get caught, you either have to keep going till you finish regardless of who is watching, or find another spot. If you run out of time on your lunch break, then try again after work. Regardless, your day isn't finished until you come in public. After work, we'll meet at a bar of your choosing for a drink and you'll recount the story to me while you're making yourself come again."

Stay tuned for further updates...

- Mr. O

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Bondage Tape (Photos)

Photos taken in the bedroom at Chez Omnivores, Saturday 25 June 2011. 
Model: Miss O. 
Photographer: Mr. O.

Identities (Omnihim)

It sucks, being forcefully reminded of something that you'd (probably willfully) let slip out of your consciousness. That sinking feeling of everything rushing back, cynicism and disappointment, thoughts and observations and an entire body of negative experience ramming their way through temporary (more or less blissful) ignorance to settle like sludge in your brain.

I'll get to the point soon, but first -- rewind.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

My First DP, Or: On How I Became Cock Crazy [Omniher]

As many bi people will tell you, one is rarely ever attracted both cocks and cunts equally.  Sometimes this means that you spend all of your life being attracted to one and flirting with the other on occasion, sometimes it means that you'll take either gladly but have a slight preference for one.  Often preference changes.

Myself?  Well, I tend to hang out around the 'either's good, both is better' part of the spectrum, with a slight preference for cunts.  Most of my long term relationships have generally been with guys, simply by virtue of the fact that there are far more straight/bi guys in this world than lesbian/bi girls so there is far more chance of me finding a compatible mate in the former group.  But when it comes to fucking other people I'm all about the girls.  Oh, you have a penis?  That's nice dear, hope it makes you happy.  There's a slim to none chance that I'm going to like it better than Mr O's fabulous specimen, so don't waste my time.  You have a cunt?  Well why the fuck are your clothes still on?  Sit on my face now!  That is, until this week.  Suddenly I am cock crazy and can't get enough of it.

Why this sudden change?  You could say it was part of the natural fluctuation that one experiences.  You could say that it was because I've just come out of a relationship with a very selfish cunt that didn't like fucking me nearly as much as I liked fucking it (or was just too lazy to be bothered returning the favour?).  Or you could say that it was because last Monday I experienced my first ever DP. 

Monday, 25 April 2011

Conflict of interest: to tell or not to tell? [Omniher]

I am currently living in a happy little bubble.  Mr O, Miss Lovely and myself have spent several weekends together just hanging out, having lots of sex (obviously!), eating out, staying in, cooking, drinking, and so on.  We've been able to talk about it on Twitter, with each other, and we even took her to a friend's birthday party this past weekend where we knew that we could all be affectionate with each other without raising too many eyebrows.

But I know it can't last.  The only reason we have been able to spend so much time together over the past couple of weeks is that her housemate (who is also and more importantly a family member) has been away on holiday.  Hence no questions on where she's been or why she's spending so much time with us.  Hell, I'm sure there's already been a few questions after Miss L has stayed over at our place for the umpteenth Saturday night in a row.

I know Mr O intends to write a blog post about this and many other things shortly and so don't want to go into that specifically.  Its up to her how she handles it really anyway (with as much support from us as she wants/needs).  What it has got me thinking about is my family.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

A Torturous Day in the Life of Miss O [Omniher]

Yesterday started out like any other: kick Mr O out of bed as the alarm is blaring and he's begging for "Just 5 more minutes of cuddles...", walk the dog, do the other little morning things that you do...  Except we knew it was different.  After what seemed like an eternity (read: three days) we were going to be seeing Miss Lovely again.  And not just for the night, but she would be in our home, in our bed for the next six days.  The three of us were all a little giddy at the prospect.

Lying in bed looking for an excuse not to get up I sent her a text.  I told her about how I planned to play orgasms for chores but was worried I'd wear myself out before the evening's festivities.  Now I swear she has been spending too much time around Mr O and  his sneaky evil ways are wearing off on her, becuase this is the response I got:

I think you should play the game, but just bring yourself to the brink of an orgasm each time...  Then come and meet me for drinks :)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

How We Have Become Completely Spoiled [Omniher]

I've tried posting about the couple we met the weekend I ended up in hospital several times now, and just can't seem to finish.  Perhaps because they were just ... so ...   Well maybe this exchange will explain better than I could:

[me] Can't believe how sex-crazed I am at the moment, being in hospital for a week has made me wild!
[him] I know.  Well I guess it's understandable as you haven't come since last Friday...
[me] Did I?  Did we fuck on Friday?  I can't even remember the last time...
[him] doesn't know whether to laugh or not What were we doing last Friday?
[me] Um..?  Oh yeah!  Right!
[him] Well, they obviously made a big impression on you...

And with that, this post took a completely different direction to what I had intended.  I had been meaning to give a blow-by-blow account of the tryst and preceding flirtations, but this has ended up being a reflection on how we have become spoiled.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Hospital Tales to make you Laugh, Cry and Rant! Omniher

Well hello all, its good to be back!  Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and wishes over the last week.

As the Twitterati will know, this blog has been neglected due to my recent hospital stay, but I am home now and have so much to share with you from the past couple of weeks!  Our date with the odd couple the day before I was admitted, progressions in the Miss Lovely saga...  But I thought I'd start with a random collection of hospital anecdotes, some funny and some seriously rant-worthy.  Enjoy!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Miss Lovely and Omnihim: what happens when it goes wrong [Omniher]

Probably the most intimate and personal thing I have ever written and here it is, my second ever blog post and out there for the world to see.  I write not to blame and/or shame, but as a catharsis and an exploratory journey through thought processes.  I wanted to explain what happened to myself as much as anyone else, and as a result of my over analysing mind this has gotten really long...  But there's a happy ending, promise!  Please be warned that the following contains a liberal amount of swearing and sexually explicit content.  Although I guess for most of you that's just an incentive to read on!  - Omniher xx

Around 1 am last Saturday night, I finally drifted into a state of semi-sleep.  My body was on fire; I could feel the welts from the carpet beater rising on my back (I often describe the pain as being like a ring of angry bull-ants on steroids all biting at the same time, over and over), the short, criss-crossed lines of a wooden spoon handle across the fronts of my legs, the sprinkling of dots all up my left side and torso from where the horsehair and suede floggers had whipped around after dancing across my back, and the thick and brutal marks of a studded leather belt over my buttocks, all co-mingling to ensure no sleeping position was without incredible discomfort.

Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of urgent fucking.

And I was furious.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Where do you draw the line? Casual Sex vs. Relationships

So this evening we were just lying around, enjoying having a night free from social obligations.  I was supposed to have cleaned the house in anticipation of Miss Lovely's visit tomorrow as I had the day off today, but as is often the case I had spent the day doing, well, not much really!

A part of me was feeling a little guilty - we have to be out the door early tomorrow due to other commitments so I'm going to be cursing myself when the alarm goes off at 5am on a Saturday, ordering me to get up and clean *ugh*.  But there was another part that was like, hang on.  We've been seeing Miss Lovely fairly regularly for what, nearly a year now?  Isn't it time for her to see our slothful habits?  I quickly pushed the idea to the back of my mind and half-arsedly considered picking up a mop after dinner.

Then,  while continuing on my meandering journey of procrastination over the interwebs, I came across this on the Polyamory Australia website.  Pissing myself laughing, I showed it to Omnihim.  He chuckled.

"So where are we?"

Anticipation. [Omnihim]

Around lunchtime this past Wednesday, I sent the following message to Miss Lovely (our most regular & favourite playmate):

So, [Omniher] and I are having an absolutely foul week. And I'm guessing that work is still pretty awful for you. But I've got a plan - Saturday afternoon, we have a few drinks, fuck each other blind then collapse onto the bed in a big sweaty pile of happy. [Omniher] got me two new sets of nipple clamps and a roll of bondage tape. I'm itching to see what I can do with them + the two of you... You free?

and then I waited...